Recognition of Prior Learning

Welcome to Skills Up Training Academy’s RPL Program!
At Skills Up, we understand the value of your existing skills and knowledge. Our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program is designed to help individuals like you receive formal recognition for the expertise you have acquired through practical experience, previous training, or other learning opportunities. By choosing our RPL program, you can save time, money, and embark on a faster path to achieving your qualifications.

Key Features

Benefits of RPL

Time and Cost Savings: By recognizing your existing skills and knowledge, RPL eliminates the need for redundant training, allowing you to fast-track your qualification process and save both time and money.

Formal Recognition: RPL provides you with a formal qualification that acknowledges your competency and expertise in your chosen field. It allows you to obtain a nationally recognized certification that holds the same value as traditional training pathways.

Career Advancement: RPL can open doors to new career opportunities and professional growth. It showcases your skills to employers and demonstrates your commitment to continuous learning and development.

Key Features

RPL Process


Application: Start by contacting our RPL coordinators. They will guide you through the process and help you determine if RPL is the right pathway for you.


Evidence Collection: Our assessors will evaluate your existing skills and knowledge based on the required competency standards. You will be asked to provide evidence such as work samples, certifications, testimonials, or any other documentation that demonstrates your competence.


Assessment: Our expert assessors, who are highly experienced in your industry, will thoroughly review your evidence and assess your competency against the required standards. This assessment is conducted with fairness, objectivity, and professionalism.


Outcome and Certification: Upon successful completion of the RPL assessment, you will receive a formal certificate or a statement of attainment, recognizing your skills and qualification.

Support and Guidance

Throughout the RPL process, our dedicated team is here to support and guide you. We provide comprehensive RPL guides, sample portfolios, and access to our knowledgeable RPL coordinators who can assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
